Property Management System (PMS)
Need a place where you can organize your properties, accommodations, prices and distribute this information around? Our PMS will help you work more efficient, so you’ll find more time to spend on your guests.
Cloud Native
We are the first platform that is native in the cloud and completely headless. This makes us more flexible, so you can grow faster.
Easy to Use
Designed from decades of experience in the field. We where able to create a beautiful platform.
Mobile Friendly
Your information is always available. At the reception, in the field or at the other side of the earth!
Schedule board
We will automaticly make an optimal accommodation planning and the scheduling board gives you perfect insights.
Coluors will indicate the status or payment of the reservations. Or create your own view based on tags / colours with the information you find important.
Channel Manager
Connect with more than 50 channels. We have direct connections with all the industry leaders. And if you need more we can hook you up with one of the connected channel managers.
Cleaning Status
Check in realtime if a room has been cleaned or not. Our cleaning status can be modified via the mobile app by cleaning personal. Of via the API, connected to a third party cleaning App.
perfect for developers
Because we are the central hub in your organisation, our API is the gateway to interact very easy with other software. We take this job serious, we are built upon the first Headless Hospitality Platform in the world. Read more
Price Management
Manage all your rates with an easy to use editor. Bulk update, copy and use them in multiple accommodations at once.
Prices can also be managed by the API so third party revenue management systems can set their prices very easily.
Reveice payments very easily by setting up an payment provider. We work with all the industry leading companies to make the perfect integration.
And A Lott More
- Multi Language
- Multi Currency
- Multi Property
- Multi users
- Group Bookings
- Google Workspace Integration
- Microsoft 365 integration
- Single Sign On (SSO)
- Daily pricing
- Allotment pricing
- Dynamic pricing
- Automated E-Mails
- Bulk E-Mails
- ICal feeds
- Acadamy (Training)
- Website Integration
- Discount Cards
- Audit Trail
- Custom Fields
- Vouchers
- Role Based Authentication
- Onboarding
Populate your accommodations with additional content like labels, translations, ratings and pictures to provide the best possible experience to your guests.